Old Mill Farmhouse by Hunter Pass
Continuing in the vision of Chuck Hinsch, it is our intent to create and maintain a family operated farm that will serve as an example of the principles of sustainable living. We will do this through locally supported sustainable agriculture, viticulture, silviculture, animal husbandry, and soil science, with highest reguard for the environment (locally, regionally, and globally). Farming without the use of hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and insecticides, we will consider and weigh all ecological impacts so that our actions may benefit a diverse, sustainable farm.
Old Mill Farm is a Family Homestead.* We wish to live so that Old Mill Farm is one harmonious working body whose actions create a symbiotic relationship between all organisms, from the microrganism in the soil to the greater summation of energy which encompasses this land, and to the community in which we live.

Fairy Ring by Hunter Pass
Old Mill Farm is off the grid. We are equipped with solar photovoltaics that provide all of the electricity that we use on the farm. Solar powered pumps move our water from drilled wells on the mountainside up to tanks which gravity feed our water systems for household and agricultural use. We use firewood sustainably harvested from our forests to heat our homes and water. We grow all our own produce bio-intensively and organically and experiment with biodynamic agriculture.
Old Mill Farm is comprised of almost 40 acres of farmable land and 280 acres of timberland covered by redwood, Douglas fir, and a minor component of oak, madrone, bay, and a few other hardwoods. In 2001 we began writing a Non-Industrial Timber Management Plan (NTMP), which is a sustainable management plan for the next 100 years. This plan -- formulated by local forester Darcie Mahoney and Cas Sochacki -- is a detailed plan aimed to increase the volume of timber on the property over the next 40 years while preserving the remaining virgin timber pockets on the farm. Local logging operations have and will continue to execute the harvest. We wish to sell our product to companies and individuals who are committed to using sustainably-harvested lumber.
* We no longer take interns or WWOOFers.
Thank you to all who have helped us!